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Club Penguin Snowballs: Monsters University Takeover!
Hey there everyone! I'm very happy to announce that Monsters University Takeover is already on the island!  I will be showing you the tips for this party today, and so here they are!

So when you first log on, it will make u choose a Fraternity! You can choose one or all of them!

When you join them all it will look like this:

Later on, you should open the map and click on Go There.

You will be transported to the Scare Games instantly!
You shall walk to the door that is over there in my back.

You will get a pop-up showing this:

For this time i will be joining team Oozma Kappa! But you can join the team you want!
After you choose a team you will start playing!

Everybody starts with 3 lifes, so be careful of ot waking up the Penguin you have to scare, and be sure to not hit the toys or you will wake up the penguin!

 When you get to the Penguins bed, there's a red button you have to step on, and look at the bar up there you should click the space bar when the light is on green so you can get more scare points for you and your team!

When you lose all your lifes, or decide to close the game. it will show how much points you've earned for you and your fraternity! So be sure to get a lot of points!

There's only 1 item for non-members, 1 item per every day of the party! But for members, the items you can buy with a D on it you can scare other penguins on the island! Isn't it awesome?

That was all for today, be sure to get a lot of Scare Points for your fraternity! See you at the next post! Until then:

-Waddle on!